Brazilian Churrasco

Good company, great laughs and even better food: Brazilian Churrasco

Matthew Baron Brazil

Good company, great laughs, and even better food: Brazilian Churrasco for you!

In order to really capture the Brazilianness of Brazilian barbecue, our Churrasco, you will need some insight into our culture. Today, a little bit about Brazilian humor. The British have theirs, the Americans too, and so do we. Brazilian humor, as our barbecue, is quite unique. The jokes that will get laughs all around are usually about politicians, and Luiz Fernando Veríssimo, who is gaucho and loves churrasco, one of our great comedy authors is very accomplished in this area. The other great jokes are normally about regional differences, and today I bring you one of our favorites when the subject is Churrasco: The dream Brazilian Churrasco is made by gauchos, on a beach in the Northeast, organized by paulistas, and the entertainment is provided by cariocas.

The nightmare churrasco is made by Nordestinos, on a beach in Rio Grande do Sul, organized by Cariocas, and the entertainment provided by Paulistas. This free version of Veríssimo’s words gives you a lot more insight about Brazilian Churrasco than the regional stereotypes suggest. It tells you that Brazilian barbecues are a lot more than cooking skewered meat. Churrasco, when well made, becomes one of the most appreciated Brazilian celebrations.

In order to have a successful churrasco you should always pay close attention to the four cornerstones of this Brazilian celebration: entertainment — what kind of music do your guests enjoy? Organization — things like making sure there are enough limes for the Caipirinha. Location (Location! Location!), and having a Churrasqueiro (person who actually barbecues the meat) that knows what they are doing. Churrascos are great when you gather your friends, listen to music, dance a bit, laugh all evening, drink Caipirinhas, and of course eat great juicy meat. All to celebrate that life is good.

Brazilian Churrasco