Argentines eat their short ribs like this, bones cut across, used to flavor the very tasty rib meat. This is also known as the english cut or the flanken cut. In Argentina it’s called asado de tira and it’s always a good choice. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
What’s so sexy about BBQ short ribs?
BBQ Short ribs are gaining a new foothold in the bbq realm. They are figuring prominently on the rotational menus of many churrascarias.
Short ribs are a great cut of beef for a number of reasons. They’re inexpensive, meaty, and full of beefy flavor. They’re from a cut of cow just forward of the sirloin, in the back side of the cow’s musculature. it is a typical cut that includes three to four ribs, the intercostal muscles of the cow, as well as a tendon.
The ribs themselves contribute to the flavor of the meat. Because Connective tissue gathers around the bones, which is, although not high in flavor or texture, creates a membrane. Out of this, the marrow flavor of the bones transfers during cooking out, and into the meat.
This is why meat on the bone is more delicious in general. And this is why a good rack of ribs, no matter how you prepare them, is always something to savor.
Why do they call them short ribs?
Rather simple. These are the back ribs of a cow, which are shorter owing to the physical makeup of the animal.
The long ribs, rarely seen in a cow, can be nearly two feet long. You see them sometimes when crew march them around at a churrascaria on a long plank towards the end of a night. But you have to keep your eyes out for it.
The short rib is more common, which they usually parade around on a triple skewer. The gauchos typically take a knife and cut them vertically and slide them off onto your plate.
So what is the best way to prepare BBQ short ribs? Like most churrasco, it’s rather simple.
Follow the formula: salt, skewer, fire, knife. Rinse lather and repeat for a totally delicious meat. Basically, align the ribs vertically, push the triple skewer tines through the connective tissue portion of the meat. Then generously sea salt, and then put on a lower roasting heat until you see juices and fats begin to drip off in all directions.